Friday, July 29, 2022

Storage Shed -- day 4

 My grandson Brandon came and worked with me today and we got a lot of stuff done.

Cutting Studs

Nailing wall together

We managed to get the east wall framed, sheathed and lifted into place and the north wall framed and installed and the south wall with the entry door framed and installed.

North & South walls framed

And, before we collapsed from the heat and before the daily rain shower hit we managed to sheathe both the north & south walls.

Shed with Four Walls

Shed with Four Walls

Thank you Brandon for your help.  I couldn't have gotten this much done alone!

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Storage Shed - day 3

 I managed several hours of work today with temperatures in the low 90s.  I was relieved when the thunder started and I had to pack up tools.

I managed to get the remainder of the decking on the platform...

Platform Decking

and I got the west wall framed, sheathed and stood up.

West Wall

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Storage Shed - day 2

 Short work day today.  My son, Matt, has been collecting construction lumber from dumpsters in his area and he had over $100 worth of full-length 2x4s for me so I borrowed my daughter Keri's truck and drove to Shelby to collect the lumber. 

When I got back I found that the electrician had been here and installed the temporary power pole and breaker box.  Now I need to call the county building inspector for an inspection and the electric company can come and hook me up to power.

Temporary Power Pole

I did manage to get one sheet of flooring on my shed platform before the rain hit.

Tomorrow I'm playing at a Farmers Market so I won't be likely to get any work done but I'll be back at it on Thursday.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Storage Shed - day 1

 I managed to get my storage shed base framed up with floor joists, and to get it leveled and squared.  Working in 90 degree North Carolina summer weather sure is different from building in a Vermont summer!  I ended up running to Lowe's a couple of times for supplies and nails and then a rain storm came in during the afternoon.  The cooling off is welcome and it was a good excuse to quit for the day.

Shed Floor Framing

Ready to build my Storage Shed

The basic excavation is done.  Driveway and parking area are in and gravel covered and the crawlspace area has been scooped out.

Driveway & parking area

The pole for temporary power should be in sometime this week and they tell me they'll be here this week to pour the footings for the crawl space and start the septic system.

First task for me is to build a storage shed so that I have someplace to store my tools during construction.  Most of the materials for that were delivered this morning.

Shed corner blocks placed and leveled

Shed Materials

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

The excavation has begun

The dozer was dropped off on the lot yesterday and today they began the excavation work. They cleared a lot of trees that I didn't really want cleared but I guess I didn't explain that well enough. It'll be OK.

I guess I'll be planting some trees and shrubs between the house and the road.
View from the road

This area has been leveled and flattened and will there will be a large gravel covered area for parking.  There will be a carport extending to this side of the house into the parking area and there will be additional gravel covered area beyond that.  While building the house I'll be parking my RV here and living in that until I can move into the house.
Parking Area

This is the rough-in of the driveway which will start at the south end of the lot at the road and curve in to the parking area and carport area.
Roughed-in Driveway

Friday, July 1, 2022

Building permit & water

 My building permit was officially granted earlier this week.  Today, Iredell County Water showed up and installed a meter/connection at the roadside.

Water Meter/Connection

The excavation folks are scheduled to start work next Wednesday, 7/6.  They'll put in the driveway, septic system, foundation, a temporary power pole and will dig the trench for the water connection to the house.

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...