Sunday, July 30, 2023

Doors & Windows Done

 Today my son, my son-in-law, two grandsons and my daughter came and assisted me in installing the sliding door.  It is heavy and awkward to handle and in addition is about 6 feet above the ground so it took some doing to get it in place.

The door is the type with the blinds built in between the glass panes.

East Wall

South Wall

West Wall

North Wall

Monday, July 24, 2023

Windows & Door

 The rest of my windows arrived.  I installed the bathroom & kitchen windows:

Bathroom Window

Kitchen Window

The west gable octagonal window has a wood frame so I needed to stain the outside and varnish the inside.

Loft window stained

Then I had to frame the opening and install the window:

Framed opening inside

Framed opening outside

Window Installed

Window inside

I installed the two living room windows:

Living Room Windows

And, I installed and painted the front door:

Front Door Installation

Front Door Painted

I still need to install the sliding door on the east wall but it is too heavy and awkward to manage alone.  So, hopefully, next Sunday my son Matt & my son-in-law Jason will come up and we can muscle it into place.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

Roofing, Ridge Cap, Vent Pipe & First Window

My roofing order finally arrived and I got my final 2 1/2 panels installed.

All roof panels installed

Once that was done I installed the ridge venting material and the ridge cap.

Roof Vent Installed

Ridge Cap Installed

I also got my vent pipe flashing and boot installed.

Vent pipe flashing & boot

And, I got my first window installed.  This window is in the east wall gable.  It is a non-opening window as it is way up high.  The west end gable, in the loft, will also have a similar octagonal window but that one will open.

East Gable Window Outside View

East Gable Window from Loft

East Gable Window from Kitchen

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...