Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Shower wall & zip tape

 My shower stall arrived this week.  I set it up in place to make sure I had accurate measurements for the wall between the shower & the laundry center as well as making sure I had studs in the right places to connect the shower stall to.

Test fit Shower Stall

Once I had my dimensions and placement right I built the wall to the right of the shower stall and added a few strategically placed studs.

Once that was done I started applying Zip System Tape to the joints in the Zip sheathing.  I got the west wall completed and started on the south.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Roof Sheathing Complete

 I got the rest of the roof sheathing on.  Next step is to apply Zip System tape to all of the joints.

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Plumbing supplies

 A couple of days ago a fellow stopped by to see the house.  He & his wife had driven by and were intrigued with a "tiny house".  Yesterday he dropped off this pile of plumbing supplies for me.  Looks like there's all, or most of what I'll need for the drain pipes and quite a bit of what I'll need for the plumbing supply.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Still sheathing the roof

 I spent 3 hours today moving the roof brackets & platform from the north roof to the south, winching up two sheets of sheathing up onto the north roof and resting them on a 2x2 until ready to nail them down and putting a 2x2 on the south roof for the same purpose.  Now it's feeling too windy to feel comfortable being up on the roof or ladder so I clamped things down and will wait for a calmer day to finish the sheathing.

North Roof

South Roof

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

More Roof Sheathing

 I got the second course of sheathing on the south roof today.

I've been trying to figure out how to finish this process.  I need to have an opening in the rafters to attach the winch to so I can haul up the sheathing.  I think that I figured out a method today which is why I quit early.

I'll haul up the last two sheets on the north roof first and just leave them resting on the 2x2 that you can here on the north roof.

They won't be nailed down yet, just resting on the 2x2 and I didn't want to leave them resting there overnight in case the wind picks up so I decided to wait until I have a longer day to work.

Once those are on the roof I can shift the winch back to haul up sheathing to the south roof and I can move the roofing brackets and planks to the south roof as well.  Then I can winch up the remaining sheathing to the south roof and nail them down.

Once the south roof is completed, I can put the roofing brackets and planks back on the north roof.  From that platform I can slide the sheathing up into position and nail them down.

That's the plan and if the weather cooperates I can get that done tomorrow.

Monday, February 13, 2023

Roof Sheathing Continued

 The past couple of days I've continued putting up the roof sheathing.  Deciding that I wasn't really interested in falling off of the roof I purchased and put up some roofing brackets and 2x10s to give me a place to safely stand.

I only need two more sheets on the north roof but I can't put those up yet because I need that space to rig up my winch to get the sheets up on the south roof.

And, I got the first three sheets up on the south roof.

Friday, February 10, 2023

Roof Sheathing Started

 My daughter Keri purchased a house and for the past 3-4 weeks I've been working with her on a kitchen renovation and building a few new walls in the house.  So, I haven't done anything on my house since about this time last month.

Today I finished putting up the other three extension rafter sets.

I also got the first two sheets of roof sheathing installed.

You can see in the picture how I have my winch rigged up at the roof peak.  I use that to hoist the sheathing from the ground to the roof.  Carrying that heavy, ungainly material up to the roof is more than this almost 70 year old geezer is interested in doing.

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...