Friday, August 19, 2022

Bathroom Vanity

 I purchased this old Hall Tree from a local thrift shop with the plan to convert it into my bathroom vanity.  I delivered it today to my son Matt.  He and his wife, Graciela, are going to refinish it for me.

Hall Tree/Vanity

Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 Today, the power company came and hooked me up to the grid and I got my RV moved down to the lot.  It's my first time to have electricity in over a year...a whole North Carolina summer without AC in the RV or in my car!

RV moved to the lot

Hopefully I'll get my water hooked up soon as well.  Just waiting for the backhoe when they come to put in septic and foundation.

My friend, I've been told he/she is a Black Racer, came by for a visit today.  It's about 5' long.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Storage Shed Finished

 I managed to get about half a day of work in on the shed today before it started to rain.  I got the drip edge installed and most of the shingling done.  I expect that I can finish the shed tomorrow.

Mostly Shingled Shed

Also, yesterday the county building inspector approved my temporary power pole.  Now the power company can come and hook me up to the grid, hopefully next week.

P.S. after writing this post the rain stopped so I went back down and finished the shingling.  Now, the shed is done and I managed to set-up shelves and stuff to get it organized.

Organized Shed

Organized Shed

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Storage Shed - day 9

 With Brandon's help today we finished the trim on the shed.  All we have left is to paint the trim with Thompson's Water Seal and put shingles on the roof.


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Storage Shed - day 8

 Today I built the second door, trimmed the door opening and installed the two doors on hinges with locking hardware.

Doors installed

I also managed to get the soffits installed on the front, back and one side before it started to rain.

Front soffit

Back & side soffits

Hoping to get the trim done tomorrow.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Storage Shed - day 7

 I worked alone today and it was about 90 degrees out so I learned from my Mexican ancestors...I worked early in the day, took a short siesta during mid-day, and then got back to work in the afternoon.

I managed to get the OSB and felt paper on the roof so that it should be reasonably dry in the rain.

Sheathed Roof

My new mailbox arrived today so after my siesta I got that installed.



And, I managed to get one of the doors built.

Shed with one door

I have a gig tomorrow but may have time in the afternoon to build the second door.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Storage Shed - day 6

 I have a gig this afternoon so only got in about half a day of work on the shed.  They say that Grandchildren make having Children worthwhile.  Brandon has been proving that to be true these past few days.  He came over today and helped me to stain the shed.  I started staining on Tuesday using the compressor and a paint sprayer but had some trouble.  The sprayer worked great but I don't have power at the site yet so was running the compressor off of my generator.  My generator proved to be too small to run the compressor full time so I had to give up on that method.  Today we put on two coats of stain with roller and brush.

Stained shed walls

Stained Door Panels

My plans for tomorrow are to either get the OSB and felt paper on the roof or to get the doors built or, if I get really productive, maybe both of those.

Monday, August 1, 2022

Storage Shed - day 5

 I had gigs on Saturday & Sunday so I didn't get to work on the shed but today I did.  With Brandon's help we finished the walls & sheathing and got the rafters installed.

Brandon Nailing Rafters

Walls & Rafters done

Tomorrow we plan to stain the sheathing and hopefully I can head to Lowe's and pick up the OSB for the roof.

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...