Wednesday, November 1, 2023

More sheetrock, Exterior trim & Sleeping

 I finished the spackling in the main portion of the house and primed the walls.  I was very surprised that it turned out so well.  Only had a couple of spots to touch up and then I painted the walls.

Painted walls

Once that was done I had the courage to start spackling the bathroom which is underway.  I hope to finish that up this week and get it painted.  During the spackling, priming and painting process there is some down time waiting for stuff to dry so I while waiting I finished up the outside trim...corner trim, window and door trim, etc.

East Window Trim

South Wall Window, Door & Corner Trim

Sliding Door Trim


Also, now that I have my new mattress I've started sleeping in the house.  I haven't really moved in, I'll do that once I get a toilet and sink installed but sleeping on the new mattress is way more comfortable than sleeping on the RV mattress.

View from the loft

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Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...