Wednesday, November 1, 2023

More sheetrock, Exterior trim & Sleeping

 I finished the spackling in the main portion of the house and primed the walls.  I was very surprised that it turned out so well.  Only had a couple of spots to touch up and then I painted the walls.

Painted walls

Once that was done I had the courage to start spackling the bathroom which is underway.  I hope to finish that up this week and get it painted.  During the spackling, priming and painting process there is some down time waiting for stuff to dry so I while waiting I finished up the outside trim...corner trim, window and door trim, etc.

East Window Trim

South Wall Window, Door & Corner Trim

Sliding Door Trim


Also, now that I have my new mattress I've started sleeping in the house.  I haven't really moved in, I'll do that once I get a toilet and sink installed but sleeping on the new mattress is way more comfortable than sleeping on the RV mattress.

View from the loft

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...