Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Backfill & Grading

 Things dried out enough for the septic folks to come back and finish the septic system fill & to backfill and grade around the house.

Monday, December 12, 2022

Gable End Framing

 Today's project was to frame the gable ends and I managed to finish both ends.

West end gable framing

East end gable framing

East end gable framing

East end gable framing

Each end will eventually get an octagonal window similar to this:

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Rafter Blocking

 No rain today and I managed to get in all of the rafter blocking.

Rafter Blocking

Tomorrow I hope to start framing the gable ends.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Rafters done

 It's been pretty rainy lately and I've discovered that I'm a fair weather builder.  But today, there was some clear, warm weather and I finished putting up the last of the rafters.

Friday, December 2, 2022

Rafters - day 4

 For the past few days it has either been raining or I've been working on rafters.  I cut 18 more rafters to size and shape and then today got some more installed.  Only 4 more to go over the house and then the ones that overhang the gable ends will go up later.

Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...