Monday, September 26, 2022

Crawl Space Done

 Today they finished up construction of the Crawl Space.

Finished Crawl Space

Next step is to put on a waterproofing coat on the exterior and run drainage pipe around the perimeter.  I have ordered the materials and hopefully, I can get started on it tomorrow.

Friday, September 23, 2022

Crawl Space - days 3 & 4

 They've been working steadily on the crawl space and almost finished up today.

North Wall

South Wall

West Wall

East Wall

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Crawl Space - day 2

 Work continues on the Crawl Space.  Hopefully it will be done by the weekend.

South Wall

East Wall

North Wall

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Crawl Space - day 1

Three guys showed up this morning and set-up to erect the crawl space.  Lots of leveling and squaring and had it ready in about 3 hours.

Crawl Space Layout

Once that was complete they started laying the block and the walls began to rise.

East Wall

Footers - Finished

 Yesterday the footers got poured.  This morning they began laying the cinder blocks into a crawl space




I also got the municipal water supply hooked up.  The water goes to the house and two lawn hydrants; one by my shed & one up the hill in the field where my daughter Keri has her garden.  

So, I now have both electricity and water.  The last time that happened was in early May of 2021.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

DIY Crawlspace

 The county inspector came and inspected the footer excavation job and gave the go-ahead.  I expect that they'll be pouring the footers tomorrow or Monday.

Today I got the delivery of rebar, anchor bolts and cinder blocks.  Kind of looks like a crawlspace from Ikea.

Cinder Block Delivered

Monday, September 12, 2022

Footers - day 1

 Today the crew showed up to prepare for pouring the footers.  They got it all dug and ready.  The building inspector should be here tomorrow or Wednesday to give the OK and then they'll pour cement.  After that, the cinder block crawl space.

Staking off for footer dig

Footer dig complete
Footer dig complete


Lots of progress

 Since the last post I've gotten a lot done. Finished the spackling and painting and painted the inside of the front door. I picked up a...